Clarity is a measure of the number and size of the tinyimperfections that occur in almost all diamonds.

Many of these imperfections are microscopic, and do notaffect a diamonds beauty in any discernible way.

Clarity simply refers to the tiny, natural imperfectionsthat occur in all but the finest diamonds. Gemologists refer to theseimperfections by a variety of technical names, including blemishes andinclusions, among others.

Diamonds with the least and smallest imperfectionsreceive the highest clarity grades. Because these imperfections tend to bemicroscopic, they do not generally affect a diamonds beauty in any discernibleway.

"eye-clean" diamond is the one that has noimperfections visible to the unaided-eye through the face-up.




Flawless, Internally Flawless: No internal or external imperfections. Internally Flawless: No internal imperfections. Very rare.


Very, Very Slightly Included: Very difficult to see imperfections under 10x magnification. An excellent quality diamond.


Very Slightly Included: Imperfections are not typically visible to the unaided eye. Less expensive than the VVS1 or VVS2 grades.


Slightly Included: Imperfections are visible under 10x magnification, and may be visible with the unaided eye.


Included: This grade of diamonds will have minor inclusions that may be visible to the unaided eye.


Inclusions are heavy and visible to the unaided eye.